Media Releases (archived)
January 10, 2020 - Prince Harry and Meghan in Canada - On the possible residency in Canada of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex, CCR issues a statement on the obligations of the Canadian taxpayer for security and other expenses if here on an unofficial capacity.
October 2, 2017 - New Governor General has opportunity to make history - On the investiture of Madame Julie Payette as Governor General, CCR observes that her term may be marked by some unique characteristics which could help propel the initiative for patriation of the institution of Canada's head of state.
June 29, 2017 - Royal visit a reminder: Canada's nation-building incomplete - CCR points out the irony, that on a day to celebrate Canada's progress from colony to nation, that instead of a worthy Canadian, our government chooses to invite British royals, representatives of the last obstacle to full Canadian nationhood.
May 19, 2017 - After 150 years, Canada still acts like a colonial outpost -150 years after Confederation, CCR believes it's a national embarrassment for Canada to still be constitutionally connected to Britain's monarchy.
January 5, 2017 - New year begins with encouraging news - CCR comments on the latest opinion poll showing a majority of Canadians want to end the monarchy when the Queen's reign ends, plus other noteworthy developments.
September 30, 2016 - Fascination with royals separate from desire for Canadian head of state - CCR dispels myth that celebrity worship of royals is proof that Canada has equal support of the monarchy as an institution.
May 20, 2016 - Opinion poll "monarchy connection" clarified - The May CTV/Nanos monarchy poll presents an opportunity for CCR to point out how wording can affect results.
May 19, 2016 - Prominent Canadians to advise on republic strategy - CCR announces its new Advisory Committee and its first appointees: Brigadier-General James Cox (Ret'd) and Governor General's Literary Award winning author and historian Christopher Moore.
December 1, 2015 - Prime Minister Trudeau and the monarchy - CCR responds to comments in Europe about the Queen.
May 15, 2014 - The monarchy debate comes to Halifax - CCR announces the launching of its newest chapter in Halifax, Nova Scotia.
February 14, 2014 - World Cup event raises question: Is the GG Canada's Head of State? - The Governor General handles the solid gold FIFA World Cup, which, according to FIFA protocol, "Only heads of state and previous FIFA World Cup winners" can do. CCR asks: If the GG is considered Canada's head of state, why not make it official?
July 23, 2013 - Choosing a head of state should be by merit, not birthright - CCR raises the discriminatory nature of the monarchy. There will be hundreds of Canadians and future citizens born the same day as the royal baby, yet regardless of how smart, selfless, hard working and proudly Canadian that child may one day become, because they were not born into the right entitled family, he or she is constitutionally barred from ever becoming Canada's head of state.
May 17, 2013 - Poll shows less than a third of Canadians support monarchy - A poll released by Angus Reid reveals that 40% would like Canada to have an elected head of state, while only 28 per cent prefer to remain a monarchy. Also, 49% support reopening Canada’s constitutional debate to discuss replacing the monarch with an elected head of state, while one third (33%) are opposed.
February 5, 2013 - Royal succession bill unconstitutional - CCR releases comments from James Morton, counsel on the 2003 O'Donohue v. Canada case in the Ontario Court of Appeal, which held the rules of succession are a part of the Canadian constitution. His opinion that Bill C-54, which cedes Britain sole power to change the rules of succession, is unconstitutional, joins those of other constitutional experts.
January 25, 2013 - First Nations' view of Canadian 'Crown' outdated - CCR comments on the Prime Minister's decision to exclude the Governor General from talks with First Nations activists, and that treaty rights in Canada are fully protected, not by the Queen herself, but by the Canadian government, as per Section 35 of the Constitution Act, 1982.
May 18, 2012 - Monarchy unpopular as ever, despite royal wedding PR - Less than one year after opinion polls declared that 81 percent of Canadians believed "Prince William and Catherine will help keep monarchy relevant to Canadians," a new poll indicates what republicans knew all along: the love affair was with the glitz and glamour, not the institution.
February 6, 2012 - Jubilee celebrations raise questions of priorities - As Canadians anticipate the coming onslaught of the massive, royal PR campaign relating to the Queen's Diamond Jubilee, Citizens for a Canadian Republic asks Canadians to closely examine the institution at the heart of the celebration and its relevance to modern Canadian values.
October 28, 2011 - Changes to monarchy rules offer no benefit to Canada - CCR comments on the Commonwealth agreement to partially revise the monarchy's discriminatory rules of royal succession.
August 16, 2011 - Restoring "royal" to military is regressive and costly - In response to the restoration of the pre-1968 titles of Royal Canadian Navy and Royal Canadian Air Force, Canada's republican movement says the backward move, designed to appeal to conservative traditionalists, could backfire.
July 7, 2011 - Royals in US to promote British interests, not Canada's - CCR notes that our future head of state is traveling to Los Angeles to promote the British film industry at the expense of Canada's. Also, the Duke and Duchess are taking advantage of Canadian taxpayers by adding this US sales junket to their state-funded trip.
June 23, 2011 - Poll: Youth have little interest in royal visit to Canada - A poll conducted at Toronto's York University reveals only 5% of students are "excited about the royal couple coming to Canada."
June 11, 2011 - Prince Philip appointment shows severe lack of judgement - Citizens for a Republic questions the appointment of Prince Philip, who is known for his intolerant views, as an honourary general and admiral in the Canadian Armed Forces.
May 19, 2011 - Prominent Canadians support a republic - Citizens for a Republic releases the first 'who's who list' of Canadian republicans ever compiled. Carefully selected individuals from the political, academic, arts and entertainment fields are profiled.
April 26, 2011 - Election 2011 - The views by the leaders and parties revealed - Citizens for a Republic releases its non-partisan 'Voter's guide 2011: How the leaders and parties stand on the monarchy/republic debate,' from information compiled from over ten years of research by CCR volunteers and organizers.
April 18, 2011 - Canada blocking Commonwealth debate on monarchy succession - CCR responds to a UK media report that the Government of Canada is opposing talks to reform discriminatory aspects of the monarchy's succession rules.
February 17, 2011 - Another royal visit to cost taxpayers unnecessary millions - Citing polls that say the the royals are "simply celebrities and nothing more", CCR comments on the upcoming visit by Prince William and Kate Middleton.
February 1, 2011 - Canadian and British republicans unite for Oxford Union monarchy debate - At the world-renowned Oxford Union debating society, CCR's Tom Freda, Republic's Graham Smith and British human rights lawyer Louise Christian lead the republican side in a debate on ending the monarchy. (Released to UK-based Canadian media correspondents).
September 30, 2010 - There are better ways to choose a head of state - On the eve of the installation of David Johnston as Canada's new governor general, CCR makes the case for reforming the selection process.
July 1, 2010 - Royal visit to cost taxpayers estimated $1M or more per day - In documents released through access to information and other sources, the 9-day visit to Canada by Queen Elizabeth II and Prince Philip is estimated to cost the public in excess of $9 million. Four million dollars for the Queen to attend Canada Day and $500,000 for the official dinner in Toronto are at the top of the list of taxpayer-funded costs.
May 28, 2010 - Poll: Majority wants constitutional debate on monarchy - Consistent with previous polls in November, 2009, a new poll contradicts the prevailing view that Canadians fear discussion of the monarchy because it means opening the constitution.
May 21, 2010 - Canada denied monarchy debate in parliament - Citizens for a Canadian Republic asks: Why does Canada stand alone among the major former British colonies as the only nation that hasn't had a parliamentary debate on the monarchy?
November 27, 2009 - Commonwealth must be fully committed to its own principles - Common Cause, the alliance of Commonwealth republican movements, is calling on the Commonwealth leaders, meeting at the GHOGM in Trinidad and Tobago, to demonstrate a stronger commitment to its own core values.
November 26, 2009 - Royal visit costs prove Canada can do better - Citizens for a Canadian Republic reacts to information released on the huge cost to taxpayers for the visit to Canada by Prince Charles and Camilla.
October 30, 2009- Royal visit to Canada raises serious questions - Citizens for a Canadian Republic questions the policy of Canada paying to have all members of the Queen's family visit here, the wisdom of having Prince Charles incite Québec extremism with visits to two cities in that province and why Canada's government lags behing Australia and New Zealand in head of state reform.
July 2, 2009 - Support for ending monarchy now at record high - In a Canada Day opinion poll released by The Globe and Mail / CTV, an unprecedented 65 per cent of Canadians want the monarchy to end when the Queen's reign ends.
May 14, 2009 - 'Canada after the Queen' subject of Victoria Day forum - Host Phil Taylor of CIUT's 'The Taylor Report, hosts a series of presentations and discussion focusing on the growth of public opinion for ending the monarchy and what steps should be taken now to prepare for a republic. Guest speakers include pollster and former political strategist Peter Donolo, author and policy analyst Randall White and CBC Air Farce comedian Alan Park.
April 7, 2009 - Governor-General says republic inevitable in Australia - Canadian republicans applaud Australian Governor-General Quentin Bryce's comment that she believes Australia will become a republic and that eventually ditching the monarchy was "part of the development of our democracy."
March 9, 2009 - Green Party of Canada supports ending oath to Queen - Citizens for a Canadian Republic welcomes the Green Party of Canada's new policy resolution calling for an amendment to the Citizenship Act to remove allegiance to the monarchy.
December 5, 2008 - The governor general: Outdated and overdue for reform - CCR provides comments on the Governor General's decision to agree to the Prime Minister's request to prorogue parliament.
September 17, 2008 - Republic debate: Australia leads, Canada dithers. CCR welcomes the news of republican Malcolm Turnbull's selection as the new leader of the Australian Liberal Party. Australia now has prominent republicans in both main federal political parties. Canada remains the only major overseas Commonwealth nation left without at least one national political party with an official policy on ending the monarchy.
May 15, 2008 - Fotheringham on monarchy: 'Time to wave goodbye.' CCR marks the Victoria Day/Patriots Day weekend with a special speaking engagement featuring the legendary Maclean's Magazine and CBC journalist Allan Fotheringham.
February 15, 2008 - Attorney General tries again to stop monarchy oath lawsuit. After failing in two lower courts to stop Charles Roach's class action lawsuit, the Government of Canada tries again to keep the lawsuit from proceeding closer to certification.
November 28, 2007 - Barbados to vote on ending British monarchy - Citizens for a Canadian Republic welcomes the news that a referendum on ending the monarchy in Barbados will be included in the Caribbean nation's next general election being held within the next nine months.
November 26, 2007 - New Australian PM revives republic debate - Kevin Rudd's Labor Party is elected in the Australian General Election. A staunch republican, he promises to hold a new republic referendum, possibly by 2010. Commonwealth republican movements expect the mood to spread beyond Australia leading up to the referendum.
November 22, 2007 - Prince Charles has no place at Commonwealth Conference - Calling for an end to the monarchy's favoured position within the Commonwealth, Common Cause, an alliance of the Commonwealth republican movements in Australia, Britain, Canada and New Zealand, rejects the notion that Charles should automatically succeed the Queen as lifetime head of the organization.
October 3, 2007 - Poll: Canadians want end to monarchy - The latest poll that shows a strong majority of Canadians support replacing the monarchy with a republic prompts CCR to call for and all-party parliamentary committee to discuss the issue.
September 12, 2007 - Monarchy oath lawsuit gets new hearing - The Attorney General of Canada appeals the May decision by Ontario Superior Court Judge Edward Belobaba which allowed Charles Roach's class action objecting to the Citizenship Act's mandatory oath to the Queen to proceed.
July 26, 2007 - Australia to re-open debate on republic - Citizens for a Canadian Republic welcomes Australian opposition leader Kevin Rudd's announcement that if elected later this year as prime minister, he would hold a new republic referendum. The renewed debate in Australia is expected to spread to Canada and the rest of the Commonwealth.
June 20, 2007 - Ireland's president: An example for Canadian reform - CCR welcomes Irish President Mary McAleese to Canada and suggests that Ireland's transformation from constitutional monarchy to stable and prosperous republic deserves to be looked at as a model for Canada's evolution.
May 18, 2007 - Monarchy a serious threat to unity - As English-speaking Canada marks the monarchist Victoria Day holiday this Monday, Citizens for a Canadian Republic (CCR) wants Canadians to think about the damage to Canadian unity the monarchy causes.
May 7, 2007 - Citizenship Act class action hearing, Tuesday, May 8 - A class action lawsuit filed by CCR member Charles Roach gets its first Superior Court hearing in Toronto. At issue is whether the requirement for new citizens to take an oath containing the words "… be faithful and bear true allegiance to her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the Second, Queen of Canada, Her heirs and Successors" contravenes sections 2 and 15 of the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms.
October 28, 2006 - National Defence Act needs to better reflect the times - CCR says it's time to repeal imprisonment for "disloyal" comments about monarch by members of Canada's military.
May 19, 2006 - CCR: Think of monarchy on Victoria Day - Canada's official day to mark the Queen's birthday is an excellent time to examine the contradictions the monarchy has with our Canadian values and constitution, says CCR.
March 13, 2006 - It's time for Canada to update flag protocol on Commonwealth Day - CCR calls on The Department of Canadian Heritage to bring Canada into the 21st century in regards to the official flying of the Royal Union Flag on Commonwealth Day.
December 10, 2005 - Canada's Citizenship Act target of class action lawsuit - On Human Rights Day 2005, CCR announces its support for member Charles Roach's class action contesting the constitutionality of the Canadian Citizenship Act's oath of allegiance to Queen Elizabeth II and her heirs and successors.
September 26, 2005 - Republicans hope G-G's office continues to evolve under Jean - CCR bids an official "farewell" to Governor General Clarkson and welcomes her successor, Madame Michaëlle Jean.
August 4, 2005 - Prime Minister Martin - Make this the last appointed governor general - CCR welcomes Mme Michaëlle Jean as Canada's new governor general while also continuing its appeal for more democracy in the selection process.
May 19. 2005 - Republicans to protest Queen in Citizenship Oath - More detailed version of media release from May 13.
May 16. 2005 - Canadian republican movement welcomes Queen and Prince Phillip - On the eve of the Royal Visit to Saskatchewan and Alberta, CCR welcomes the Royal couple and acknowledges the increased discussion of republicanism the visit generates.
May 13. 2005 - Citizenship oath should be to Canada not Queen - CCR announces a repeat of 2004's successful protest of the outdated Citizenship Act on Saturday, May 21. The event, which was televised last year on all major news networks, will again be held at the Ontario Legislature grounds on Victoria Day weekend, the official celebration of the Queen's birthday. (Released to local media).
April 7, 2005 - New alliance links Commonwealth republican movements - Common Cause, an alliance of Commonwealth Republican movements is launched on three continents. CCR will share information, ideas and resources with The Australian Republican Movement, the Republican Movement of Aotearoa New Zealand (RMANZ) and Republic in the UK.
March 11, 2005 - Canadian charter rights diminished by outdated British act - CCR supports Tony O'Donohue's continued fight agains the 1701 Act of Settlement in the Ontario Court of Appeals.
February 11, 2005 - Wedding announcement signals royal makeover - CCR points out that Charles' low approval ratings so late in the Queen's reign is the real motivator for the royal wedding PR campaign.
February 3, 2005 - Canada's head of state: We can do better - On the 53rd anniversary of Queen Elizabeth II’s Accession to the Throne, CCR says the oath the Queen took on coronation is completely unsuitable for a twenty-first century Canadian head of state.
November 18, 2004 - Is this Canada's next head of state? - CCR says Prince Charles' elitist comments on social standing are not compatible with egalitarian Canada, suggesting that it's time to debate whether he, or any other monarch, is suitable to be Canada's next head of state.
October 1, 2004 - Act now on governor general, republican group says - On the occasion of Governor General Clarkson's one year extension, CCR asks the Prime Minister to use this period to act decisively on the recommendations of the Standing Committee on Government Operations and Estimates. Its report, titled: The Governor General of Canada: Role, Duties and Funding for Activities, calls for sweeping reforms of the office.
.May 20, 2004 - Time to promote Canada, not Queen, on holiday - CCR proposes redesignating Victoria Day as Citizenship Day, and member recants Oath of Citizenship's allegiance to Queen at an Ontario Legislature gathering.
March 18, 2004 - Proposal for electing the Governor General announced - CCR calls on the Prime Minister to appoint a special parliamentary committee to examine democratizing the office of the Governor General.
June 13, 2003 - Former Australian Republican Movement chairman speaks at dinner engagement - Greg Barns, National Chairman of the ARM from 2000 to 2002 and National Campaign Director of the 1999 referendum for an Australian head of state addresses supporters of CCR at an informal evening dinner and reception.
May 29, 2003 - Australian scandal exposes flawed appointment process - Canadian and Australian republicans unite in condemnation of their similarly undemocratic systems of selecting Governors General.
May 14, 2003 - Debate on monarchy's future must begin now, says republican movement - CCR calls for a Royal Commission to get the official discussion started on the future of the monarchy.
November 5, 2002 - Oath to Queen costs Canada citizens, says republican movement - Comments from national director and CCR supporters on the proposed Citizenship Act.
October 9, 2002 - Manley's comments fair, say republicans - CCR comments on Deputy Prime Minister John Manley's remarks about the monarchy, it's ramifications on the republican movement and its similarity to events in Australia and New Zealand.
October 4, 2002 - Canadian republicans welcome royal visit - CCR welcomes Queen while urging Canadians to take the occasion to engage in the discussion of the monarchy and its future in Canada.
September 24, 2002 - Canada's republican movement presents legal case against the monarchy. CCR announces filing to become an intervener in the Act of Settlement legal action against the federal government.
May 14, 2002 - Republican events planned for "Victoria Week" - Public forum at University of Toronto. - 1837 Rebellion commemoration at Samuel Lount hanging site.
April 10, 2002 - New movement formed advocating a Canadian republic - Announcement of the formation of Citizens for a Canadian Republic and the hosting of a public forum in Toronto.